The "High Society Girl" turned out to be a scam artist! What was her scheme to deceive a man she met on a dating app and swindle 160 million yen?

A scam case has emerged where a woman, who pretended to have affection for a man she met on a dating app, swindled cash from him. The suspect arrested in this case is Maia Watanabe (25), who is homeless and unemployed. Watanabe is already under arrest for suspicion of fraud for tricking another man she met on a dating app into giving her approximately 27 million yen.

Watanabe referred to herself as a "High Society Girl," meaning she sought financial support from men she met on dating apps, engaging in what's known as "sugar dating." She facilitated the swindling of money from two men by selling them a "love manual" she had created, targeting college girls and others. The manual contained fabricated stories like "I borrowed money to start a company and must sell my body to repay the debt," aiming to elicit sympathy from men and extort money from them.

Upon investigating the suspect's bank accounts, the police discovered that she had received a total of around 160 million yen from dozens of men nationwide. She reportedly used this money to enjoy luxury brand goods and overseas trips. The police are conducting a thorough investigation to determine if there are more victims.

This incident occurred amidst the growing use of dating apps. While dating apps are convenient for meeting people, it's important to exercise caution when the other person's true identity and intentions are unclear. Particularly, discussions involving financial assistance or debt should be approached with caution. It's crucial to remain level-headed and make informed decisions, not letting emotions lead the way.