Title: "Select Sale 2023: Record-Breaking Purchases and the High-Stakes World of Thoroughbred Investments"
Note: Shun Fujita is the President of CyberAgent, Danox is the asset management company of Nobuhiro Noda, Chairman of Orbick, Masato Kaneko is the President of ZUKEN, TN Racing is headed by Takanori Nakamura, and Toshihiko Tabata is the founder of G-Lion Group.
The consumption tax alone exceeds 1.4 billion yen in Select Sale... it's incredible...
Select 2023's opening MVP: "Sunday, Saddlers, Danehill, very straightforward, and beautiful..." Semi-MVP: "The horses are neighing for more competition!" "Princess is doing a great job putting on the socks." "This is quite challenging!" "Let's give it one more try!"
It's quite interesting to look at past Select Sale results on JBIS. Most of the high-priced horses haven't been able to recover their purchase prices.
The auction prices at Select Sale are not expected to be recovered through race winnings. It seems more like a high-stakes investment in the breeding business after retirement.